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Join a Meeting!

Fall Semester Meetings

Who: Meetings are free for EVERYBODY to attend. We love having guests at our meetings!
When: Fridays, 5:55pm - 7:15pm
Where: SAC 1.106

*Join our email newsletter, and follow us on Facebook and Instagram for future updates.*

Meeting Structure
3 Simple Parts

1. Speeches & Icebreakers

  • 5-7 mins each (speech)

  • 4-6 mins each (icebreaker)

  • prepared


2. Table Topics

  • 1-2 mins each

  • improvised


3. Evaluations

  • 2-3 mins each

  • improvised


Meeting host, manages transitions


Evaluate specific speakers


Provides the Word of the Day and provides a grammar report

Table Topics Master

Asks improvs questions

Ah Counter

Counts filler words

General Evaluator

General evaluations, manages evaluators


Times each speaker to warn for time limits

Vote Counter

Counts votes for Best Speaker, Best TableTopics, and Best Evaluator, declare winner at the end of the meeting

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